Our Top Links
These are what we consider our most useful links. They support the direction of the Mathematics Department at Nayland College and include our most commonly used tools.
- YouCubed - The Stanford Project run by Dr Jo Boaler
- Sunshine College - Yvonne Reilly and the team at Sunshine College are accomplishing wonderful things
- Desmos - the online graphics calculator
- NZ Grapher by Jake Wills - our primary online graphing tool
- Kahoot - online quizzes
- Photomath - take a picture and solve a problem
Student Resources
These are links that students can use without much (if any) teacher support.
Problem of the Week/Month
These are a collection of problems that are published about every week. Some have nice simple solutions, others are much more involved. We always encourage teachers to have a go at the problems first before using in class.
Teacher Resources
These links are more useful for teachers, although students may use some of them directly as well.
- Best Evidence Syntheses
- Stats Chat
- Inquire Maths (UK enquire learning)
- Wolfram
- NRICH (University of Cambridge)
- e-ako.nzmaths
- Art of Problem Solving
- Prime Numbers
- Maths Plus magazine
- The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
- Maths Dictionary
- The Futures Channel
- Smile
- Maths with bad drawings
- Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching
- Yummy Math
- Mahobe Maths Centre
- BBC Skillwise
- BBC Bite size maths
- Mount Albert Grammer School Maths
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- WOW Math
- TranSum
- Maths and Stats ICT Community
- eSchool News
- PhET Simulations for Mathematics
- iNZight
- Concept Maps
- GeoGebra
- Gap Minder (Interactive World Data)
- 3D Graphing Calculator
- Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum
Careers Information
- (go here first)
- Future In Tech (Excellent NZ site)
- Maths Fist at Massey
- Maths Careers (UK based)
- We Use Math (USA)
- Maths Careers (Australia)
About These Links
It is surprisingly difficult to easily classify links. We've trimmed down the original list that Max had curated over the years.
Our process for adding to our list of links is possibly a bit blunt. We look for non-commercial links to quality mathematics education content to support what we do. We regularly review our links and trim as needed.
The content of all external websites is the work of those groups/individuals and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Nayland College.