Level 2 Courses

Nayland College Courses

Nayland College currently offers three different courses at Level 2 to best meet the needs of our students.

2A Mathematics

Our 2A course is an academic course and is predominantly algebra based but will also include calculus and graphs as well as some statistics and probability. This course is required to prepare students for the academic mathematics courses at Level 3. The course covers:

The outline for the year can be found here: 2A - 2020.pdf.

2 Statistics

Our 2Stats course focuses on the acquisition of practical statistical knowledge and skills. Students who are considering subjects such as Biology, Psychology or Geography will benefit from choosing this course. The course covers:

The outline for the year can be found here: 2Stats - 2020.pdf.

2S Mathematics

Our 2S course is a fully internal course (post lockdown) that focuses on a wide range of skills and applications. It may lead to mathematics at Level 3. This course covers:

The outline for the year can be found here: 2S - 2020.pdf.